Hemorrhoid Removal like You’ve Never Seen Before
Unfortunately in most cases, hemorrhoids don’t go away on their own, and often, after trying ointments and creams, many sufferers turn to their physician to find out how to get rid of their hemorrhoids. This article will explore a few of the current doctor-administered hemorrhoid treatment options: Infrared Coagulation, Hemorrhoidectomy, and Ultroid, as well as the CRH O’Regan System, a non-surgical hemorrhoid treatment that is fast, painless, and proven to be effective.
For the most part, over-the-counter hemorrhoid treatments focus solely on masking the symptoms of hemorrhoids; the burning, itching, and pain that is irritating for some and debilitating for others. There are many ways to alleviate the symptoms, but to truly find relief, oftentimes the only solution is to directly treat the hemorrhoids themselves.
Surgical Options for Hemorrhoid Treatment
Reserved for the most severe hemorrhoid cases, surgical removal is sometimes the recommended solution for permanent removal of your hemorrhoids. There are several types of hemorrhoidectomy procedures currently available, all of which require anesthesia, and each with different pros and cons.
Conventional Surgical Hemorrhoidectomy
The physician will clamp, tie off, and cut away the hemorrhoidal tissue, finishing with sutures and gauze and an application of antibiotic cream. This procedure often requires a longer recovery period with significant pain, and in some cases, may result in a short stay in the hospital. Full recovery can take between two and six weeks.
Stapled Hemorrhoidectomy (PPH)
While classified as a hemorrhoidectomy, this procedure doesn’t actually remove the hemorrhoids; rather, a special stapling device is used to cut through the vessels and reconnect the swollen tissue. The procedure involves less pain than a traditional hemorrhoidectomy, but is still associated with a number of complications and often requires a significant recovery time.
Doppler-guided Ligation of Hemorrhoidal Arteries (THD)
This more recent option requires the physician to use an ultrasonic sensor to “hear” the blood flow in the hemorrhoidal arteries, so they can then tie them off with a suture. Although the complications involved aren’t as significant as a conventional hemorrhoidectomy, it is still reserved for the most severe hemorrhoid cases due to complications, post-procedure pain, and cost.
Non-Surgical Hemorrhoid Treatment
Infrared Coagulation (IRC)
If you have smaller hemorrhoids, your physician may recommend Infrared Coagulation (IRC), a procedure designed to create scar tissue by stimulating the hemorrhoidal vessels to clot. Typically, IRC requires multiple treatments, with a waiting period of 90 days between treatments. Patients may experience pain and/or heat from the device used to apply the infrared light to the abnormal area. The treatment is generally quick, however there seems to be a higher recurrence rate as compared to banding systems like those used by physicians trained in the CRH O’Regan System.
Ultroid Treatment
This process uses direct current to the hemorrhoid, shrinking the hemorrhoidal tissue and causing it to fall off. The time required for this procedure varies, depending on the pain tolerance of the patient and the severity of the hemorrhoids, but generally takes between 5-20 minutes per session.
Rubber Band Ligation – the CRH O’Regan System
Rubber Band Ligation is known to be an efficient and effective hemorrhoid treatment option for the majority of people, and unlike other treatments, can be done in a doctor’s office without sedation fasting before the procedure. The O’Regan System uses a disposable ligator to gently draw in the affected tissue, and then a rubber band is placed around the base of the hemorrhoid, causing the tissue to fall off. There’s no pain involved as the ligation is performed in an area without nerve endings and the entire procedure takes less than a minute.
If you’re tired of the irritating symptoms of hemorrhoids, find a physician in your area who utilizes this patented, painless hemorrhoid solution.