CRH O’Regan System FAQs
Also known as piles, hemorrhoids are a common condition that affects many people, especially with older age. These occur when the veins in the lowest part of the anus and rectum begin to swell and become inflamed. When this happens, the tissue weakens and prolapses causing symptoms such as: bleeding,…
How Does the O’Regan System Work?
Sometimes referred to as piles, hemorrhoids are veins located in the lower rectum and anus that can become inflamed and swollen. When hemorrhoids become inflamed they cause symptoms such as bleeding, itching, swelling, soiling and even prolapse. Fortunately, treatment with the CRH O’Regan System is 99% effective at relieving hemorrhoidal symptoms long-term. What Is the […]

Take Control of Your Hemorrhoids
You may be surprised to learn that everyone has hemorrhoids- they are part of our natural anatomy. The reason this is not common knowledge is that we only speak of them when they flare up and become a problem. Hence, they have become associated with a problem.
What is The CRH O’Regan System?™
O’Regan Hemorrhoid Banding If you have experienced hemorrhoid symptoms such as bleeding, swelling, itching or discomfort, you’ve likely already started searching for relief. Fortunately, there is a definitive treatment method available for hemorrhoids that is quick, easy and pain-free. The CRH O’Regan Hemorrhoid Banding system uses gentle suction, not uncomfortable metal clamps to treat hemorrhoids. […]
Conversation Guide
The first step to finding out if the CRH O’Regan® System for Hemorrhoid Banding is right for you begins with speaking to your current physician or a specialist trained in performing this simple, painless procedure. Use this discussion guide to help your physician better understand your hemorrhoid symptoms so you can begin the process of […]
CRH vs. Hemorrhoidectomy
Hemorrhoidectomy: Surgical Hemorrhoid Removal Hemorrhoids is a prevalent condition that affects about 1 in 20 people in America. Also known as piles, hemorrhoids are inflamed veins inside or around the anus that can make everyday activities uncomfortable. Because hemorrhoids are so common and unpleasant, there are many treatment options for addressing them. A hemorrhoidectomy is a surgical […]
CRH vs. Infrared Coagulation
Is there a Better Alternative to Infrared Coagulation? Although IRC therapy is more effective than some treatments and does not cause significant pain or side effects, it has a higher recurrence rate than Hemorrhoid Banding — the most popular treatment for hemorrhoids. According to the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons, rubber band ligation […]
Painless, Permanent Hemorrhoid Relief in Less than One Minute? O’Regan is the Answer Find A Clinic A hemorrhoid treatment covered by most major insurance plans including Medicare? O’Regan is the Answer Find A Clinic No preparation? No fasting? No recovery time needed? O’Regan is the Answer Find A Clinic Over 99% of patients experience relief […]
CRH vs. Traditional Banding
Rubber Band Ligation with The CRH O’Regan Hemorrhoid System Hemorrhoid Banding, or rubber band ligation (RBL), is a fast and non-surgical approach to hemorrhoid treatment. Unlike hemorrhoidectomy, it doesn’t require fasting, sedation or post-procedure care. And unlike home remedies which provide only temporary relief, it completely and definitively treats hemorrhoid symptoms. CRH uses a disposable ligator […]
CRH vs. Sclerotherapy
CRH Compared to Sclerotherapy Sclerotherapy is the injection of a chemical through an anoscope into the hemorrhoid tissue, which causes it to scar and shrink to eliminate symptoms. It is rarely practiced today due to the high risk for complications. In contrast, the CRH O’Regan System is the latest in hemorrhoid removal technology. CRH is […]